Keldor is my fourth MOTUC figure after He-Man, Skeletor, and Battle Cat, like them Keldor is wonderfully sculpted and painted. Keldor's new unique parts and accessories are he's new head with evil smirk, new never before produced cape, new booted feet, viral of acid, and two purple interlockable Power Sword halves. My only real squabble with this figure is he's Power Sword halves, when unconnected to each other are flat, upainted, and don't look like swords on one side, so you have to turn the swords a certain way so not to see those sides.
They gave Keldor these two half-Power Swords to kind of simulate he's Dual Blade splitting sword from the 2002 TV series, but in my and lot of MOTUC collectors opinions was a cheap comp out. I think Mattel, and the Four Horsemen sculptors could of designed a better splitting sword that when reassembled looked like a Classics Power Sword. Anyways sweet figure, and if you want you can put he's cape on Skeletor, now we just need a young Captain Randor for him to face off against.
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